On the 25th January 2024 I attended a workshop by Samuel Brown, a commercial based photographer who strives to tell stories within photographs.
Brown was at the University of Huddersfield to show the students how to capture a headshot image. He did this in a unique way as he was not taking the photographs, but instead a student was and he became the model. I thought this was a good way of audience participation and something I had never seen done before. This meant more work for him as he had to keep moving the lights and then sitting for the photograph and moving the lights again until it was perfected. However, a very good teaching technique!
Brown showed us his technique of studio lighting: he uses six lights, a big difference from my usual two dimly lit lights! It was interesting to see how he used a beauty dish to light his face and then also a soft box behind the beauty dish to give a softer gradient that wraps around the face. He also used reflectors to bounce light and was able to demonstrate using gel lighting to change the colour of the backdrop.

After his demonstration we were then able to split into groups and test out his technique and he came round to each group to chat about everyone’s ideas for their own photography and to offer his advice.
Overall, I enjoyed this workshop and was able to learn a new portraiture studio lighting technique I will definitely use in the future.