How much time have you given to considering how to print and display your photographs? I recently had the opportunity to join Preston Yan’s workshop at the University of Huddersfield where she spoke about the importance of paper choices when exhibiting photographs.
Over two tables Preston showcased her own paper testing. On one table she spread her published work in different forms: prints in a clam shell box, photobook and a dummy book in a box. We were able to feel the prints and see choices she made that fit with her photographs including how big the white borders should be around the images. Preston believes that is it not the size of the photos that matter but how you display them. This inspired me to think about how I might want to showcase my own work and some possible framing choices. Displaying work in a book is more of an experience and Preston showed her dummy book in a box to many curators leading to her to winning awards.
Preston’s workshop allowed me to understand how important criticizing other photographers’ work is and how it allows us to better our own. On the second table she displayed the same photos on different paper stocks and we were able to criticize these and comment on what we thought could be improved or which paper we though looked best. This allowed me to think about what paper I might print my own work on and how I could possibly use fabric.Attending this workshop allowed me to understand how great the importance can be of printing choices as prints can change the look of the photograph and I now plan on testing on multiple paper stocks including glossy paper.